North Louisiana Wildlife

Follow Us through the Forests and Wetlands

Female blue dasher dragonfly flying close to the ground

Did you know that blue dashers spend nights in trees?

Blue Dashers
a Glance

Male blue dasher on a tree twig

Key Features:

Blue dashers are dragonflies with yellow stripes on their thoraxes, green eyes, and transparent wings, Females have red eyes.


Ditches, lakes, marshes, ponds, and slow streams

nesting habits:

Blue dashers lay 500 eggs on aquatic plants.

seasons blue dashers are active in our area:

All Year


Aquatic insects, aquatic insect larvae, shrimp, small fish, and tadpoles

hunting Behavior:

Blue dashers hunt from aquatic plants.

Commonly Confused With:

Slaty Skimmers

Slaty skimmer standing on a leaf

Blue dashers are often confused with mature male slaty skimmers because they are blue

Male eastern pondhawk on a dried, broken water plant

Blue dashers have yellow stripes on their thoraxes.

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