American White Pelicans
a Glance
Key Features:
American white pelicans are white birds with yellow around their eyes, large long beaks, and long necks.
Least Concern - Population Increasing
Freshwater lakes and wetlands
nesting habits:
American white pelicans dig depressions in the ground to nest in.
seasons American white pelicans are active in our area:
Fall, winter
Fish, crawfish, salamanders, and tadpoles
hunting Behavior:
American white pelicans forage by dipping their beaks in water.
Commonly Confused With:
Brown Pelicans, Snow Geese, White Ibises, Whopping Cranes, and Wood Storks
American white pelicans are often confused with snow geese because both are white birds.

American white pelicans have white wings. Snow geese have black on their wings.