Did you know that one mating pair of blue-gray gnatcatchers can build seven nests in one mating season?
Blue-Gray Gnatcatchers
a Glance

Key Features:
Blue-gray gnatcatchers are small, blue-gray birds with white throats, chests, and bellies.
Near Threatened - Population Increasing
Deciduous Forests
nesting habits:
Blue-gray gnatcatchers build cup-shaped nests in trees out of bark, caterpillar silk, cocoons, grass, lichen, paper, plant down, spiderwebs, and stems.
seasons blue-gray gnatcatchers are active in our area:
Spring, summer
hunting Behavior:
Blue-gray gnatcatchers forage in foliage, while hopping.
Commonly Confused With:
Golden-Crowned Kinglets

Blue-gray gnatcatchers are often confused with golden-crowned kinglets because both are gray with lighter throats, chests, and bellies.