Did you know that on average a male red-winged blackbird has 3 mates per breeding season?
Red-Winged Blackbirds
a Glance
Key Features:
Male red-winged blackbirds are black birds with a red streak on their shoulders. Females are brown birds with streaks.
Least Concern - Population Decreasing
Fields, grasslands, marshes, meadows, pastures, and along waterways
nesting habits:
Red-winged blackbirds build cup-shaped nests in ground vegetation, trees, or shrubbery out of decayed wood, grass, leaves, mud, and stems.
seasons red-winged blackbirds are active in our area:
All year
Insects and seeds
hunting Behavior:
Red-winged blackbirds forage on the ground in flocks.
Commonly Confused With:
Bobolinks, Brown-Headed Cowbirds, Common Starlings, and Song Sparrows

Female red-winged blackbirds are often confused with female brown-headed cowbirds because both are brown. Female red-winged blackbirds are more heavily streaked.
Male red-winged blackbirds are often confused with male bobolinks because both are primarily black. Male bobolinks are black and white. Male red-winged blackbirds are solid black with a red and yellow patch at the beginning of each wing.