Did you know that buffleheads are the smallest diving ducks in North America?
bufflehead ducks
a Glance

Key Features:
Male buffleheads are white birds with black backs, green faces, and purple throats. Females are gray-brown with a white patch on their cheeks.
Least Concern - Population Increasing
Forests and parks near lakes and ponds
nesting habits:
Buffleheads nest in tree cavities or nesting boxes lined with the mother’s down feathers.
seasons bufflehead ducks are active in our area:
Crustaceans, insects, mollusks, and plants
hunting Behavior:
Buffleheads dive for food and swallow underwater.
Commonly Confused With:
Common Goldeneyes, Hooded Mergansers, and Ruddy Ducks

Female bufflehead ducks are often confused with female hooded mergansers because both are brown ducks. Female bufflehead ducks have a white patch on their cheeks.

Male bufflehead ducks are often confused with common goldeneye ducks because both have green heads, black backs, and white bellies. Bufflehead ducks have green around their eyes. Common goldeneye ducks have green heads.