North Louisiana Wildlife

Did you know that green herons use bread crusts, feathers, and insects as fishing bait?

Green Herons
a Glance

Key Features:

Green herons are stocky birds with green backs, chestnut necks, chestnut chests, and dark gray wings.

Not Extinct


Impoundments, lakes, ponds, and swamps

nesting habits:

Green herons build nests in trees and shrubbery out of sticks.

seasons green herons are active in our area:

Spring, summer


Amphibians, crustaceans, fish insects, reptiles, rodents, snails, and spiders

hunting Behavior:

Green herons walk slowly to grab prey.

commonly confused with:

American Bitterns, Black-Crowned Night Herons, Least Bitterns, and Yellow-Crowned Night Herons

Green herons are often confused with least bitterns because both have green backs. Green herons have green wings. Least bitterns have brown wings.


Green herons are often confused with black-crowned night herons because they are similar in shape and size. Green herons have green backs and wings. Black-crown night herons have gray backs and wings. 

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