North Louisiana Wildlife
Winter wren looking around from its perch on the ground

Did you know that the winter wren gets its scientific name from its habit of disappearing into tree cavities and crevices

Winter Wrens
a Glance

Winter wren foraging in tall grass

Key Features:

Winter wrens are small, plump, and brown.

Conservation Status: Least Concern - Population Trend Unknown



nesting habits:

Winter wrens nest in cavities lined with bark, grass, moss, and rootlets.

seasons winter wrens are active in our area:



Berries, insects

hunting Behavior:

Winter wrens hop on the ground to forage for berries and insects.

commonly confused with:

Carolina Wrens

Carolina wren chirping as it fluffs out in a defensive posture

Winter wrens are often confused with Carolina wrens because of their brown color and small size.

Carolina wren sharpening its beak on a tree branch that is covered in icicles

Unlike Carolina wrens, who are often found in dense foliage of bushes and trees, you’ll find winter wrens hopping along the ground.

See winter wrens @

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