North Louisiana Wildlife
Tree swallow soaring through the sky

Did you know that tree swallows migrate further north for the winter than other North American swallows?

Tree Swallows
a Glance

Tree swallow soaring through the sky

Key Features:

Tree swallows are blue-gray birds with black wings, black tails, black masks around their eyes, white throats, white chests, and white bellies. Females have brownish throats, chests, and bellies.

Least Concern - Population Stable


Fields, lakes, ponds, and swamps

nesting habits:

Tree swallows build nests in cavities out of aquatic plants, garbage, grass, hair, moss, and pine needles.

seasons tree swallows are active in our area:

Spring, fall


Crawfish, eggshells, exoskeletons, fishbones, insects, mollusks, plants, and worms

hunting Behavior:

Tree swallows forage in the air. They forage on the ground in cold weather.

Commonly Confused With:

Bank Swallows, Barn Swallows, Chimney Swifts, Cliff Swallows, Northern Rough-Winged Swallows, Purple Martins, and Vaux’s Swifts

Barn swallow grooming on a tree branch

Tree swallows are often confused with barn swallows because they have similar coloration. Tree swallows have white throats and bellies. Barn swallows have red throats and peach bellies.

Tree swallow soaring through the sky

Tree swallows are often confused with male purple martins because they are blue birds with black wings. Tree swallows are blue-gray and have white throats, chests, and bellies.

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