Did you know that mourning doves stock up on their food in an enlarged part of their esophagi?
Mourning Doves
a Glance

Key Features:
Mourning doves are gray with black spots on their wings. They have peach underparts.
Least Concern - Population Increasing
Open forests, grasslands
nesting habits:
Mourning doves nest on branches, vines, gutters, eaves, or the ground. They make their nests out of grass, leaves, pine needles, and stems.
seasons mourning doves are active in our area:
All year
Seeds, berries, grass, grains, herbs, peanuts, weeds
hunting Behavior:
Mourning doves forage on the ground.
commonly confused with:
Eurasian collared-doves, rock pigeons

Mourning doves are often confused with Eurasian collared-doves because they are both gray.

Mourning doves have pointy tails. Eurasian collared-doves have black collars around their necks.