Did you know that Canada geese can fly up to 1,500 miles a day?
Canada Geese
a Glance

Key Features:
Canada geese are brown with black necks, white cheeks, and pale underparts.
Least Concern - Population Increasing
Estuaries, fields, lakes, marshes, pastures, ponds, and reservoirs
nesting habits:
Canada geese build nests on the ground out of dried grass, feathers, lichen, and moss.
seasons Canada Geese are active in our area:
Berries, grass, sedge, and seeds
hunting Behavior:
Canada geese graze.
commonly confused with:
Double-Crested Cormorants and Snow Geese
Canada geese are often confused with double-crested cormorants at a distance because they have similar shapes.

Canada geese are often confused with adult male blue morph snow geese because they have similar colors.