Did you know that chipping sparrows eat over 70 times their own weight during winter?
Chipping Sparrows
a Glance

Key Features:
Chipping sparrows are gray birds with brown streaks on their backs, rusty crowns, and black eye-lines.
Least Concern - Population Increasing
Forests, parks, and backyards with trees
nesting habits:
Chipping sparrows build loose cup-shaped nests hidden foliage out of dried grass and rootlets.
seasons chipping sparrows are active in our area:
Spring, summer
Seeds, insects, and small fruit
hunting Behavior:
Chipping sparrows forage on the ground.
Commonly Confused With:
Field Sparrows

Chipping sparrows are often confused with field sparrows because both are gray birds with brown streaks on their backs and bright crowns.

Chipping sparrows have brighter crowns on their heads.