Did you know that male muscovy ducks are the largest ducks in North America?
muscovy ducks
a Glance

Key Features:
Muscovy ducks are black ducks with white patches and red around their eyes.
Least Concern - Population Decreasing
Grasslands, lakes, streams, and wooded swamps
nesting habits:
Muscovy ducks nest in cavities off the ground.
seasons muscovy ducks are active in our area:
All year
Grass, insects, slugs, snails, and weeds
hunting Behavior:
Muscovy ducks graze.
Commonly Confused With:
Double-Crested Cormorants and Mallards

Muscovy ducks are often confused with double-crested cormorants because both are dark birds near or in water. Muscovy ducks have white patches.

Muscovy ducks are often confused with mallards because of their shape. Male mallards have green heads. Females are brown.