North Louisiana Wildlife
American kestrel perched on a bare tree

Did you know that American kestrels are the smallest falcons in North America?

American Kestrels
a Glance

American kestrel perched on a bare tree

Key Features:

American kestrels are red-brown birds with blue-gray crowns, two dark vertical stripes on the sides of their heads, two dark spots on the back of their heads, and blue-gray wings. Females have red-brown wings.

Least Concern - Population Stable


Farmlands, forest clearings, and forest edges

nesting habits:

American kestrels nest in existing cavities and crevices.

seasons american kestrels are active in our area:

All year


Amphibians, birds, insects, reptiles, small rodents

hunting Behavior:

American kestrels hunt by swooping down and grabbing prey with their feet.

Commonly Confused With:

Merlins, Sharp-Shinned Hawks

American kestrel perched on a bare tree

American kestrels are often confused with merlins because both are brown birds. American kestrels are smaller and lighter brown.

Sharp-shinned hawk in flight through a blue sky

American kestrels are often confused with sharp-shinned hawks because both are brown birds the same size. American kestrels have shorter tails.

See american kestrels @

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