Did you know that belted kingfishers hang around unpolluted water?
Belted Kingfishers
a Glance
Key Features:
Belted kingfishers are blue-gray birds with white bellies, white chests, white throats, and blue-gray lines on their chests. Females have rusty bands on their bellies.
Least Concern - Population Stable
Estuaries, lakes, marshes, ponds, rivers, and streams
nesting habits:
Belted kingfishers nest on the ground, in burrows dug on banks or in ditches.
seasons belted kingfishers are active in our area:
All year
Fish, crawfish, insects, and tadpoles
hunting Behavior:
Belted kingfishers hunt in water.
Commonly Confused With:
Unique in North Louisiana. Here are two cool facts.