Yellow-rumped Warblers
a Glance

Key Features:
Male yellow-rumped warblers are gray with some white on their wings. They have yellow faces, sides, and rumps. Females are duller and may have some brown on them.
Least Concern - Population Increasing
Forests, parks, and yards
nesting habits:
Yellow-rumped warblers build cup-shaped nests in trees of feathers, grass, hair, lichen, moss, pine needles, rootlets and, twigs.
seasons yellow-rumped warblers are active in our area:
Winter, early spring
Bugs, spiders, budworms, fruit, seeds, and aphid excretion
hunting Behavior:
Yellow-rumped warblers forage in the forest canopy and catch insects from the air.
commonly confused with:
Magnolia Warblers
Yellow-rumped warblers are often confused with magnolia warblers due to both being gray birds with some yellow on them.

Unlike yellow-rumped warblers, magnolia warblers have yellow on their bellies.