North Louisiana Wildlife
Northern mockingbird standing on the edge of a roof

Did you know that northern mockingbirds can sing over 200 songs?

Northern Mockingbirds
a Glance

Northern mockingbird looking around on green grass

Key Features:

Northern mockingbirds are gray birds with white bars on their wings, white throats, white bellies, and gray breasts.

Least Concern - Population Stable


Forest edges, parks, and suburbs

nesting habits:

Northern mockingbirds build cup-shaped nests in shrubbery and trees out of grass, leaves, rootlets, trash, and twigs.

seasons northern mockingbirds are active in our area:

All year


Insects and fruit

hunting Behavior:

Northern mockingbirds forage on the ground.

Commonly Confused With:

Gray Catbirds

Gray catbird looking out from its perch on a branch

Northern mockingbirds are often confused with gray catbirds because both are gray birds. 

Northern mockingbird facing away

Northern mockingbirds have white throats and bellies.

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