North Louisiana Wildlife
Great crested flycatcher in flight

Did you know that great-crested flycatchers do not hop or walk?

Great-Crested Flycatchers
a Glance

Great-crested flycatcher grooming

Key Features:

Great-crested flycatchers are gray with yellow bellies and rusty stripes down the middles and tails.

Least Concern - Population Stable


Cemeteries, forest edges and clearings, open forests, orchards, pastures, parks, swamps, and wetlands

nesting habits:

Great-crested flycatchers build nests in cavities out of bark, cellophane, cloth, eggshells, feathers, fur, grass, leaves, moss, onion skin, paper, shells, snakeskin, stems, and twigs.

seasons great-crested flycatchers are active in our area:

Spring, summer


Insects, berries, and spiders

hunting Behavior:

Great-crested flycatchers catch insects from the air.

commonly confused with:

Brown-Crested Flycatchers, Eastern Phoebes, and Eastern Wood-Pewees

Eastern phoebe looking to the right

Great-crested flycatchers are often confused with eastern phoebes because both have pale bellies. 

Eastern wood-pewee standing on the end of a branch

Great-crested flycatchers are often confused with eastern wood-pewees because both are gray birds with lighter color bellies.

Look for great-crested flycatchers in you backyard in spring and summer.

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