North Louisiana Wildlife
Sharp-shinned hawk in flight through a blue sky

Did you know that the sharp-shinned hawk is the smallest hawk in the United States?

Sharp-Shinned Hawks
a Glance

Sharp-shinned hawk in flight through a blue sky

Key Features:

Sharp-shinned hawks are blue-gray birds with white bellies and orange chests.

Least Concern - Population Increasing



nesting habits:

Sharp-shinned hawks build flat nests in trees out of twigs.

seasons sharp-shinned hawks are active in our area:




hunting Behavior:

Sharp-shinned hawks ambush their prey.

Commonly Confused With:

Cooper's Hawks and Merlins

Sharp-shinned hawk in flight through a blue sky

Sharp-shinned hawks are often confused with Cooper’s hawks because both are blue-gray birds. Sharp-shinned hawks have orange chests and white bellies. Cooper’s hawks have reddish bars on their bellies.

Sharp-shinned hawk flying through blue sky

Sharp-shinned hawks are often confused with merlins because both are gray birds. Sharp-shinned hawks have longer tails and orange chests.

sharp-shinned hawks @

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