North Louisiana Wildlife
Barred owl on a tree trunk

Did you know that when barred owls eat a lot of crawfish, their underwing feathers turn pink?

barred owls
a Glance

Barred owl on a tree trunk

Key Features:

Barred owls are brown and white birds with dark brown eyes, white faces, and barred patterns on their backs, tails, wings, throats, chests, and bellies.

Least Concern - Population Increasing


Forests and wooded swamps

nesting habits:

Barred owls nest in cavities high in trees.

seasons barred owls are active in our area:

All year


Birds, crawfish, fish, frogs, insects, mice, possums, rabbits, salamanders, shrews, snakes, and squirrels

hunting Behavior:

Barred owls watch for prey from perches and then swoop down to grab it.

Commonly Confused With:

Barn Owls, Great Horned Owls

Barred owl on a tree trunk

Barred owls are often confused with barn owls because both are brown and white birds. Barred owls are darker brown and have the barred pattern on their bellies.

Barred owl on a tree trunk

Barred owls are often confused with great horned owls because both are brown and white birds. Barred owls have black eyes. Great horned owls have yellow owls.

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