North Louisiana Wildlife
Red-eyed vireo looking down from its perch on a tree branch

Did you know that Male red-eyed vireos can sing over 10,000 songs a day?

Red-eyed Vireos
a Glance

Red-eyed vireo peeking from behind a tree

Key Features:

Red-eyed vireos are olive green with white underparts and red eyes.

Least Concern - Population Increasing


Forests, cemateries, gardens, parks, and yards

nesting habits:

Red-eyed vireos build nests in the middles or bottoms of trees and shrubbery made of bark, grass, pine needles, plant fibers, spider egg sacks, spider webs, sticky plant fibers, and wasp nest paper.

seasons red-eyed vireos are active in our area:

Spring, summer


Fruit, insects, and seeds

hunting Behavior:

Red-eyed vireos forage while hopping on tree branches.

commonly confused with:

Philadelphia Vireos, Tennessee Warblers, and Warbling Vireos

Tennessee warbler standing on a branch

Red-eyed vireos are often confused with Tennessee warblers due to their olive backs and white underparts.

Philadelphia vireo landing on a tree

Red-eyed vireos are often confused with Philadelphia vireos due to both being small olive birds.

Look for red-eyed vireos in your backyard during spring and summer.

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