North Louisiana Wildlife
Black vulture in the forest on the ground

Did you know that black vultures do not have voice boxes?

Black Vultures
a Glance

Black vulture landing on the ground in green grass

Key Features:

Black vultures are black birds with small rounded tails, hooked beaks, and silver under their wingtips.

Least Concern - Population Increasing


Forests and grasslands

nesting habits:

Black vultures nest in abandoned buildings, caves, crevices, logs, and tree cavities.

seasons black vultures are active in our area:

All year


Carrion, young: birds, sea turtles, and mammals

hunting Behavior:

Black vultures follow turkey vultures to find food.

Commonly Confused With:

Red-Tailed Hawks and Turkey Vultures

Turkey vulture soaring in blue sky

Black vultures are often confused with turkey vultures because of their dark coloration. Though they look black from a distance  turkey vultures are brown, have gray under their wings, and red heads.

Red-tailed hawk soaring near a tree

Black vultures are often confused with red-tailed hawks because they both look similar in flight.  It can be hard to tell what color they are at a distance.  Black vultures have narrower and shorter wings.

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