Did you know that white-tailed kites can stay in the same place in the air?
white-tailed kites
a Glance

Key Features:
White-tailed kites are white birds with black shoulders, black wingtips, gray wings, gray backs, and gray beaks,
Least Concern - Population Increasing
Deserts, forests, grasslands, and swamps
nesting habits:
White-tailed kites build nests high in threes out of grass, leaves, twigs, and weeds.
seasons white-tailed kites are active in our area:
All year
Small mammals, birds, insects, and lizards
hunting Behavior:
White-tailed kites hunt by hovering to look for prey and swooping down to grab the prey.
Commonly Confused With:
Mississippi Kites and Swallow-Tailed Kites

White-tailed kites are often confused with Mississippi kites because both have gray wings and backs. White-tailed kites are white birds. Mississippi kites are gray birds.

White-tailed kites are often confused with swallow-tailed kites because both have white heads, throats, chests, and bellies. White-tailed kites have white tails. Swallow-tailed kites have black tails.