Did you know that hermit thrushes migrate earlier in spring and later in fall than other brown-backed thrushes?
Hermit Thrushes
a Glance

Key Features:
Hermit thrushes are medium brown birds with red tails.
Least Concern - Population Increasing
nesting habits:
Hermit thrushes build their nests on the ground out of: grass, leaves, lichen, mud, pine needles, stems, and weeds.
seasons hermit thrushes are active in our area:
Insects and fruit
hunting Behavior:
Hermit thrushes rummage through leaf litter on forest floors.
Commonly Confused With:
Gray-Cheeked Thrushes, Swanson’s Thrushes, Veeries, and Wood Thrushes

Hermit thrushes are often confused with Swanson’s thrushes because both are brown thrushes. Hermit thrushes have red tails.

Hermit thrushes are often confused with veeries because both are brown with red tails. Veeries are reddish-brown.