North Louisiana Wildlife
Wild turkey

Did you know that wild turkeys can swim?

Wild Turkeys cos
a Glance

Wild turkey looking away

Key Features:

Wild turkeys are large brown birds. Males have blue and red wattles.

Least Concern - Population Increasing


Open forests

nesting habits:

Wild turkeys nest in depressions on the ground in brush, shrubbery, and dead leaves.

seasons wild turkeys are active in our area:

All year


Berries, fruits, grass, insects, leaves, nuts, and seeds

hunting Behavior:

Wild turkeys mostly forage on the ground, but will climb shrubbery and trees to eat berries.

Wild turkeys are unique in North Louisiana

Here are a couple of fun facts.

Wild Turkey in a grassy area

Wild turkeys walk most of the time.

Wild turkey

Male wild turkey droppings are j-shaped, while female wild turkey droppings are spiral shaped.

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