Basic Info about the Wildlife Management Area
The Bussey Brake Wildlife Management Area in Louisiana is 2,600 acres set aside for anglers and nature enthusiasts to enjoy.
The center piece of the Bussey Brake WMA is a small lake that is regularly stocked with finfish. An eight-mile hiking trail at the top of a levee loops around the lake, providing good opportunities for birding.
It’s a good place to see fish, bugs, reptiles, and especially birds. You can find goldfinches, wrens, sparrows, coots, herons, egrets, cardinals, kinglets, and woodpeckers in the trees along the levee and in the water.
By The Numbers
Learn more about the wildlife management area.
Parking Areas
Size in Acres
Self-Clearing Permit Stations
Daily Limit Bass
Daily Limit Crappie
Daily Limit Bream

American Coot

Carolina Wrens

American Goldfinch

Red-Bellied Woodpecker

Dark-Eyed Junco

Ruby-Crowned Kinglet
You can find American coots throughout North Louisiana during the winter. These “not ducks” swim through lakes and sloughs and are especially prevalent in state parks with lakes.
More about How You Can Enjoy the Wildlife Management Area
To use the Bussey Brake Wildlife Management Area, you’ll need a WMA Access Permit, which you can buy online. You’ll also need to “Check In” and “Check Out” of the WMA at the Self-Clearing Stations. You can do that through the LDWF WMA Check-In/Check-Out app. To hunt or fish, you’ll need a fishing and/or hunting license. There are more details about what you need to legally hunt and fish at the refuge in the tabs below.
There is a restroom.
Trail Accessibility
For the most part, Bussey Brake is very accessible. The trails are easy to navigate with a cane, especially the wooden portions that lead to piers. The most difficult thing for visitor with mobility and vision impairments is climbing up and down the levee from the wooded area near the old building.
No Camping
Learn More
Learn more about the Bussey Brake WMA at its official website.
The Bussey Brake WMA is a great place to bird watch. You can find lists of birds sighted at the refuge with eBird’s “Bussey Brake“ Trail Tracker sighting list.
Bussey Brake is well stocked, and you can catch all kinds of fish here. Go to the WMA’s website to find out what limits on bass, bream, and crappie are. For information on getting and maintaining your fishing license and limits on other fish, check out the Wildlife and Fisheries “Recreational Freshwater Finfish and Crawfish” page. You can also learn about the crawfishing licenses there.
Visit Other Areas
The Bussey Brake WMA is one of many places you can enjoy our local wildlife.
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Learn about national wildlife refuges, Kisatchie National Forest ranger districts, state wildlife management areas, and state parks found throughout North Louisiana.