North Louisiana Wildlife
Basic Info about the NF Ranger District

The Winn Ranger District in Louisiana is 164,000 acres.

The Winn Ranger District of the Kisatchie National Forest is a large tract of forest that spans from Natchitoches to Grant Parish and includes campgrounds, hiking trails, and a water trail along the Saline Bayou — a scenic river.

By The Numbers

Learn more about the refuge.




Days Open


Size in Acres

Tufted titmouse looking out from its perch on a branchTufted titmouse looking to the side

Tufted Titmous

Cloud Crossing
Carolina chickadee perched in a treeCarolina chickadee facing away

Carolina Chickadee

Cloud Crossing
Five blackstripe topminnows swimmingFive blackstripe topminnows swimming

Blackstripe Topminnow

Cloud Crossing

Blackstripe topminnows are abundant throughout North Louisiana, and these fun little fish are our favs from the Winn Ranger District at the Kisatchie National Forest.

More about How You Can Enjoy the Refuge

Visit Other Areas

The Winn Ranger District of the Kisatchie National Forest is one of many places you can enjoy our local wildlife. 

Explore North Louisiana's Outdoors.

Learn about national wildlife refuges, Kisatchie National Forest ranger districts, state wildlife management areas, and state parks found throughout North Louisiana.

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