At A Glance
The locations in the badges are the biomes where we’ve met them (and where we think you’ll be most likely to come across them). That doesn’t mean they don’t hang out in other places.
Species of Turtles
By The Numbers
Learn more about turtles in North Louisiana.
Invasive Species

Eastern Box Turtles
You'll find these land turtles in wooded areas near streams, especially where there's undergrowth, and maybe in your yard.

Lakes & Swamps
Red-Eared Sliders
You'll find these turtles swimming in or sunning near pretty much any body of water you visit, including sloughs and ditches.
Visit Our Wildlife
Explore North Louisiana's Outdoors.
Learn about national wildlife refuges, Kisatchie National Forest ranger districts, state wildlife management areas, and state parks found throughout North Louisiana.