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North Louisiana Wildlife
Forster's tern flying away through a blue sky

Did you know that Forster’s terns were stuffed and put on hats in the 1800s?

Forster's Terns
a Glance

Forster's tern flying away through a blue sky

Key Features:

Forster's terns are gray birds with orange legs, white chests, white bellies, white throats black caps and black tips of their beaks.

Least Concern - Population Increasing


Lakes, marshes, and rivers

nesting habits:

Forster's tern build nests on the ground out of bulrush, cattails, and sedge in vegetation.

seasons forster's terns are active in our area:



Fish and insects

hunting Behavior:

Forster's gulls forage in water.

Commonly Confused With:

Common Terns

Forster's tern flying away through a blue sky

Forster’s terns are often confused with common terns because both are gray birds with black caps.

Forster's tern flying away through a blue sky

Forster’s terns have thicker beaks and white chests. Common terns have gray chests.

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