North Louisiana Wildlife
Bronze frog popping out of the top of the water

Did you know that American bullfrogs are active during the day and at night?

American Bullfrogs
a Glance

Bronze frog popping out of the top of the water

Key Features:

American bullfrogs are large, green or gray-brown amphibians with white bellies.

Least Concern - Population Increasing


Lakes, ponds, and swamps

nesting habits:

American bullfrogs lay up to 20,000 floating eggs in water from February to October.

seasons american bullfrogs are active in our area:

All year


Insects, small mice, small fish, small birds, small snakes, crustaceans, other frogs, tadpoles, fish eggs, salamanders; and aquatic plants

hunting Behavior:

American bullfrogs wait for their prey to come close enough for them to catch.

Commonly Confused With:

Bronze Froge

North Louisiana Amphibians: Green, or bronze, frog on a mossy bank

American bullfrogs are often confused with bronze frogs because both are large, green or brown frogs.

Bronze frog popping out of the top of the water

Bronze frogs have two stripes down their backs.

See american bullfrogs @

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