North Louisiana Wildlife
Young American southern toad in debris

Did you know that American toads are solitary?

American Toads
a Glance

Young American southern toad in debris

Key Features:

American toads are small, brown/gray amphibians with dry, warty skin and short legs.

Least Concern - Population Stable


Forests, gardens, parks, and wetlands

nesting habits:

American toads lay up to 8,000 eggs in shallow water in summer.

seasons american toads are active in our area:

Spring, summer


Ants, crickets, mealworms, slugs, spiders, and worms

hunting Behavior:

American toads hunt by pouncing on their prey.

Commonly Confused With:

Fowler’s Toads

North Louisiana Amphibians: Fowler's toad on a log

American toads are often confused with Fowler’s toads because both are small, warty brown/gray amphibians.

Young American southern toad in debris

American toads have one or two warts per blotch on their backs. Fowler’s toads have more warts per blotch on their backs.

See american toads @

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