Did you know that five day old red-shouldered hawks can defecate outside the nest?
Red-Shouldered Hawks
a Glance

Key Features:
Red-shouldered hawks are brown birds with reddish breasts, black and white wing feathers, and black and white tail feathers.
Least Concern - Population Increasing
nesting habits:
Red-shouldered hawks build their nests high in trees near water out of bark, conifer sprigs, dried leaves, lichen, Spanish moss, and sticks.
seasons red-shouldered hawks are active in our area:
All year
Voles, frogs, lizards, mice, rabbits, rats, shrews, snakes, songbirds, and toads
hunting Behavior:
Red-shouldered hawks hunt by diving from perches in trees.
Commonly Confused With:
Cooper's Hawks and Red-Tailed Hawks

Red-shouldered hawks are often confused with red-tailed hawks because of their similar size and shape. However, red-shouldered hawks are smaller than red-tailed hawks.

Red-shouldered hawks are often confused with Cooper’s hawks because both birds have similar coloration. Cooper’s hawks have long banded tails.