North Louisiana Wildlife
Spotted gar swimming

Did you know that spotted gar are able to live in water with low oxygen because they can gulp air?

Spotted Gar
a Glance

Spotted gar swimming

Key Features:

Spotted gar are long, olive or brown fish with dark spots on their heads.

Least Concern - Population Stable


Lakes, streams, and swamps

nesting habits:

From February to June, spotted gar lay up to 20,000 sticky eggs on aquatic plants in shallow water.

seasons spotted gar are active in our area:

All year


Crawfish, bass, catfish, crappies, shiners, and sunfish

hunting Behavior:

Spotted gar hunt at night.

Commonly Confused With:

Alligator Gar, Florida Gar, Longnose Gar, and Shortnose Gar

Spotted gar swimming

Spotted gar are often confused with alligator gar because both are long, olive or brown fish. Spotted gar have spots on their heads. Alligator gar have shorter snouts.

Spotted gar swimming

Spotted gar are often confused with longnose gar because both are brown or olive with spots. Longnose gar can also be gray. Longnose gar have spots on their backs and sides and white or silver bellies. Spotted gar have spots on their heads.

See spotted gar @

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