North Louisiana Wildlife
Rough green snake slithering through bushes

Did you know that rough green snakes spend more time in small trees, on vines, and in shrubbery than on the ground?

rough green snakes
a Glance

Rough green snake slithering through bushes

Key Features:

Rough green snakes are slender green snakes with round pupils and yellow bellies.

Least Concern - Population Stable


Meadows and forests near water

nesting habits:

Rough green snakes lay two to twelve eggs in June or July that hatch in August or September.

seasons rough green snakes are active in our area:

All year


Caterpillars, crickets, grasshoppers, small frogs, snails, and spiders

hunting Behavior:

Rough green snakes use their good vision to hunt during the day.

Commonly Confused With:

Unique in North Louisiana. Here are two cool facts.

Rough green snake slithering through bushes

Rough green snakes are good swimmers.

Rough green snake slithering through bushes

Rough green snakes sleep at night

See rough green snakes @

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