North Louisiana Wildlife
Southern painted turtle sunning on a log

Did you know that southern painted turtles can get up off their backs?

Southern Painted Turtles
a Glance

Southern painted turtle sunning on a log

Key Features:

Southern painted turtles are dark green turtles with an orange, red, or yellow stripe going down their backs.

Least Concern - Population Stable


Creeks, lakeshores, marshes, and ponds

nesting habits:

Southern painted turtles lay up to five clutches of four to eight eggs from March to June.

seasons southern painted turtles are active in our area:

All Year


Duckweed, fish, insects, water hyacinth, water lettuce, and worms

hunting Behavior:

Southern painted turtles forage at the bottom of slow moving water and skim the surface of water.

Commonly Confused With:

Red-Eared Sliders and River Cooters

Southern painted turtle sunning on a log

Southern painted turtles are often confused with river cooters because both are dark green turtles. River cooters are greenish-brown on top and red, orange, or yellow on the bottom.

Red-eared slider in its shell

Southern painted turtles are often confused with red-eared sliders because both are green turtles with yellow stripes on their backs. Southern painted turtles have one yellow stripe on their backs. Red-eared sliders have a red mark behind their eyes.

See southern painted turtles @

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