Did you know that ospreys do not drink water?
a Glance

Key Features:
Ospreys are brown birds with white throats, chests, bellies, underwings with dark patches, and white heads with a brown stripe on their eyes.
Least Concern - Population Increasing
Lakes, reservoirs, and rivers
nesting habits:
Ospreys build nests in trees and on manmade structures out of algae, bark, grass, sod, sticks, and vines.
seasons ospreys are active in our area:
All year
hunting Behavior:
Ospreys look for fish in shallow water and dive in to grab them with their feet.
Commonly Confused With:
Bald Eagles, Red-Tailed Hawks, and Turkey Vultures
Ospreys are often confused with bald eagles because both have the same fishing habits and white heads. Ospreys have white throats, chests, and bellies. Bald eagles have dark brown bellies.

Ospreys are often confused with red-tailed hawks because both have white throats, chests, and bellies. Red-tailed hawks have brown streaks on their bellies.