Did you know that diamondback water snakes musk and defecate to defend themselves?
Diamondback Water Snakes
a Glance

Key Features:
Diamondback water snakes are brown or olive green snakes with diamond-shaped patterns on their backs.
Least Concern - Population Stable
Lakes, ponds rivers, streams, and swamps
nesting habits:
Diamondback water snakes mate in spring and give live birth in summer.
seasons diamondback water snakes are active in our area:
All year
Carrion, fish, frogs, and toads
hunting Behavior:
Diamondback water snakes hunt during the day by ambush.
Commonly Confused With:
Timber Rattlesnakes and Northern Cottonmouths
Diamondback water snakes are often confused with northern cottonmouths because both swim in water. Diamondback water snakes have round pupils. Northern cottonmouths have pits on their heads and elongated pupils.

Diamondback water snakes are often confused with timber rattlesnakes because both have patterns on their backs. Diamondback water snakes have round pupils and diamond patterns on their backs. Timber rattlesnakes have elongated pupils, rattles on their tails, and chevron patterns on their backs.